
Tree Stand Selection

We planned 2 days to put up deer stands in the woods in October.  The first year would have to be all temporary stands.  There would be 6 of us hunting.  We planned for 4 tree stands and a ground blind that 2 people could use.  In the end, we went with ladder stands, but there are other options for tree stands that could work well for you. Types of Tree Stands: A climbing stand is a good selection if you want the stand to  ...


Rule #1 in the woods

Labor Day weekend, we were back up north.  Labor Day weekend is part of the hunting tradition.  The 4 families get together, do some trap shooting, walk woods and fix stands.  At the cabin, there is a sauna for use.  It’s a 3 room outdoor building with a wood stove that heats the water in a water tank, so split wood is required.  There is a shower and benches.  The wood stove has a shelf on top. The shelf is  ...


Logging Potential Here?

We met the owner as arranged.  We talked about how long he had owned the land, how long we’ve been hunting up north, etc. And we talked about price.  About the same price as the price we had been discussing for the last piece of property we were serious about.  Last time, timber harvest could offset some of that price. Then, he told us that he had a logger joining us because the land could certainly be logged and he had  ...


Quick Decisions

After passing on a piece of land, we returned to looking, checking websites weekly.  My browser would automatically fill in my searches for land in that area.  We had identified a geographic triangle that we wanted to stay within.  I knew every piece of property for sale, and listed on a website, in that triangle.   Some pieces of property were listed for many months, other pieces were on the websites only 2 – 3  ...


Land with logging potential

BH had told us a number of times through the years that logging a section of woods could help pay for hunting land.  We knew of places that had been bought and logged, had seen sections of County and State land that had been logged.  My husband and I had already seriously considered a different piece of property – 80 acres – that could be logged.  This was land we had hunted adjacent to every year of hunting up north and knew  ...

Our Story

And so it begins

It’s been a dream for a number of years.  Hunting land in northern Minnesota.  I’ve been going on the annual deer hunting trip for over 40 years.  I did not think about it too much when we got married, it was just a few days to get away from home.   I didn’t imagine that I would look forward all year long to deer hunting.  Of course, the hunt itself is great, I have shot a few deer along the way.  But,  ...