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Doing, Quick Tips

Box Stands

I recently joined a Facebook Group that is dedicated to hunting blinds. It’s been really interesting to see how creative some people can get with using materials they pick up for free or very low cost. I see a lot of recycled purpose materials used – which is great. With our experience using stands and then building 4 of them, we have figured out a few key things to think through when building it. How cold will it get when you  ...


Deer Stand Details

Planning windows is another discussion.  Considering prices too, windows that open and slide from right to left seemed to make the most sense.  We are all right handed and sitting in the stand, shooting, it just seemed that this would be the better.  Three of the stands have one window on 3 sides and a door with a window on the 4th wall. Son, N found sliding windows at a really good price, and they all opened the same way.  ...


Building Box Stands – the Structure

There are many choices when it comes to building a stand.  Ladder stands can be purchased although one can also be built right on and in the tree.  Up until we had our own land, we had always hunted from ladder stands.  Some purchased and some homemade.  With the drive for deer that we always did, we knew that it was unlikely anyone else would use our stands.  We invested a little more into deer stands as time when  ...


Getting the Right Spot for a Deer Stand

When we had done our Labor Day weekend walk through, we had been looking for the best places to set up tree stands.  When we went back in October, it was with a mostly made plan for 3 of the stands.  We hadn’t been able to spend time on the land to determine usual wind patterns, identify any minor game trails or determine whether or not there were any areas deer would use to bed down.   We were going to have to go  ...


Logging Potential Here?

We met the owner as arranged.  We talked about how long he had owned the land, how long we’ve been hunting up north, etc. And we talked about price.  About the same price as the price we had been discussing for the last piece of property we were serious about.  Last time, timber harvest could offset some of that price. Then, he told us that he had a logger joining us because the land could certainly be logged and he had  ...


Quick Decisions

After passing on a piece of land, we returned to looking, checking websites weekly.  My browser would automatically fill in my searches for land in that area.  We had identified a geographic triangle that we wanted to stay within.  I knew every piece of property for sale, and listed on a website, in that triangle.   Some pieces of property were listed for many months, other pieces were on the websites only 2 – 3  ...